Smaller rooms, especially bathrooms and half baths can be tricky. They are an important part of the photo roll but can be difficult to show off simply because of the limited space to work with. When shooting small bathrooms I try to down to sink level and shoot as open as possible with the wide angle lens, and sometimes even take more than one and stitch the photos together using Photoshop to capture the whole room. When I stitch photos, i’m careful not to over exaggerate the size or depth of a room, instead simply fitting more subject into one photograph. There is a fine line between making a room look bigger based on the angle of the photo, and using camera tricks to lie about what’s actually there. Getting the whole room in one photo is the challenge, and I do not over promise only to disappoint the customer once they actually see the house. “Well, in the pictures this room looked huge!” This is not what I’m going for. I want them as accurate as possible, just taken from the best perspective. Especially with smaller rooms, the angle of which the photo is taken can be the difference between a great representation of a small room and a picture of a corner. Here are some examples of small bathrooms I’ve photographed, notice the angle from which the pictures are taken. Low, level and as far back as possible to get the most of a small room in a single shot.